
Hopworld devlog 3

January 7, 2023

During the Christmas break i finally had some time to address some issues around Hopworld. From all the comments there have been, i distilled some user stories and (tried to) fixed some of them.

De Kroemenaas experience

October 28, 2022

Memo: i am organising an exhibition with recent paintings on the 19th and 20th november 2022

RLE sprite editor tips and tricks

July 18, 2021

Make tiny pixel art sprites in a text format for game jams where you have a limited file or byte size.

Hopworld devlog 2

May 25, 2021

Two months into development now. The game changed quite a bit. Time for another devlog post.

Hopworld devlog 1

April 27, 2021

Exactly one month ago i started working on a new game after a long period doing other stuff. It is going to be a bigger project than the normal jam games.

Loading new Phaser assets without writing code

April 23, 2021

I used to write some lines of code each time i created a new asset for a Phaser game. This was a little bit annoying. But with this Webpack trick, i don't have to think about it anymore.

The site got a facelift

March 27, 2021

After three years, it was time for a redesign of the site.

Tomato Smash

May 29, 2020

Throw tomatoes at websites! This weeks game is a bookmarklet!

May 2020 update

May 18, 2020

As always the gamedev bug gets me in spring and this year is no exception.

Renton Jules Open House official video

February 26, 2020

In december and january i made a video clip for Renton Jules's debut single Open House.

Ponturion demo

November 28, 2019

Ponturion is a demo (with source code) of an infinite procedurally generated map.

Default mode of being

November 2, 2019

Boredom is the perfect precedent to creativity. Create a state of flow by being bored first.

A formula of success

July 3, 2019

Disclaimer: this is not a formula 'for' success. It is not a step-by-step guide how to achieve success. Instead it is philosophical approach to the concept of success.

Ludum Dare 44 post mortem

April 30, 2019

Last weekend was LD jam weekend. Here is my report.

Random tileset generator

April 24, 2019

I prepared for LD44 by making... a tool!

Gamedev randomizer tools

April 20, 2019

Looking for gamedev tools that generate random assets? Here are some of my picks...

Productivity and phones

April 19, 2019

Will it ever become a real thing?

Two way binding

April 18, 2019

Ultimately code always has to be reusable.

Dungeon master is not a career option

April 17, 2019

Recently it occured to me that i don't know any professional dungeon masters.

Brand your game

April 16, 2019

Always make sure to add your company logo to your web games, because you never know where it will popup next.

To mute or not to mute

April 15, 2019

Still struggling with the question wether or not i should add mute buttons to my games.

April progress

April 13, 2019

Quietly working on random stuff seems to be the theme this month.

Oops no more thumbnails on the blog

March 25, 2019

This is not an error message, but an actual blogpost title.

The making of dead sticks

March 6, 2019

Last month i added a bunch of levels to dead sticks. Here are some insights from the level design process.

Procedural generated maze in Phaser 3

January 18, 2019

A nice way to add variety to your game is random levels. In this article i will explain how i made the mazes for Esciit and Acid Sink.

Hiding the mouse in a ux friendly way

October 24, 2018

When building a game that only uses the keyboard, you may want to hide the mouse. Here is how to do it properly!

Ludum Dare 42 post mortem

September 12, 2018

I submitted my second Ludum Dare entry last month. This time with the help of my brother Thomas, who did the sound and music. Here are some afterthoughts about how it went.

Adventure jam 2018 post mortem

July 17, 2018

Last May i joined Adventure Jam for the second year in a row. This year's entry was a little weird and experimental, but i still learned a lot from it...

Keyboard focus in an iframe

July 11, 2018

If your are running your html5 game in an iframe, you might run into the problem where your keyboard input loses focus, when you click outside the iframe. Here is a quick tip to circumvent this.

Support retina with Phaser 3

June 3, 2018

You can support retina devices and other pixel ratio's in your Phaser 3 games. In this short blogpost i will explain how and give some tips on how to make your art super crisp.

Ludum Dare 41 post mortem

May 21, 2018

About a month ago, I participated for the first time with the Ludum Dare game jam. Here is what i learned from it.

Loading assets as data uri in Phaser 3

April 29, 2018

In this blogpost i'll explain how you can load the assets of your Phaser 3 game as data URI's, without having to rely on xhr requests.